Location: Greenville, North Carolina, United States

Monday, October 23, 2006

It looks like the $100 laptops are finally here. I remember reading about them sometime back- the idea is to produce computers primarily for children in developing countries at a cost they can afford. We seem to take it for granted that kids would have access to computers growing up, but that's simply not the case in developing countries (and even parts of our own country).

Here's an article on these computers

These computers will use flash memory instead of a hard drive, have a 400 MHz processor and run Linux- hardly state-of-the-art, but certainly something to help kids learn fundamentals of computers. I think computer literacy is becoming one of the key things distinguishing those who end up in "desirable" jobs and those who do not. It seems that those who learn computers while growing up and are comfortable with them end up being more successful in college and then better equipped for the job market.

I think this project is a great step towards helping give kids a more level playing field and providing opportunities for their future success.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

View As Web Page
I actually just started using Mozilla this week on my laptop. I had been using Internet Explorer since 2004. I have to say that I like Mozilla so much more. The reboot feature is really cool and comes in handy for me. My laptop has a problem with overheating and cutting off on me,so its great that I can turn it back on and still have all my pages come back. I really like the tab browsing as well. It makes it so much easier to do research on the net and browse for more than one thing. I'm glad that I finally made a switch!!

9:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree that learning computers at an early age can help someone be more successful. I wish computers were used more when I was growing up. My sister is 5 years younger than me and has been using a computer most of her life. She is great with toubleshooting and I sometimes call her when I have a problem. I work with a lot of older people and I'm called all the time to help with computer probelms, so I guess I am lucky to have been able to use computers throughout most of my schooling. I can definaltely understand that being computer literate will help someone be more successful.

9:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think its great that companies are willing to spend their time and effort manufacturing computers that are priced so people, schools and business' can get a start on computers. I think that has the potential to bring a lot of countries out of poverty and into a new age of computers. And the pumpkin computer is great, i want one.

12:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is a good idea for the companies to produce low priced laptops for people who can't afford them. I think this would help out alot since in this day and age everything is basically centered around computers.

1:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having these computers will be a great benefit to future generations. Learning to use a computer at a young age will increase a childs chances of being successful in school and later on in the work force. The price is very reasonable for a laptop computer. I did not start using computers on a regular basis untill about 7th grade.

1:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that it is wonderful that companies are providing underpriveledged children with this oppurtunity. I always took the fact that I had a computer for granted when I was younger and never really realized that others may not have had the same oppurtunities as me.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think this idea is great and has taken too long to come out. It's very ambitious to start and follow through with a project like this. They put in a lot of thought considering the quality as well as the price. Not only is it a smart move for the company as well as those who will benefit from it, but it is going to help our world as a whole. The more we can help others, the more selfless our world may become, even if that is a far fetched idea.

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i believe that people who grow up around computers do better in some aspects of college. those of us who have this advantage have more time to practice and perfect our computer skills while others arent givin the oppurotunity. computers mak life much easier and alot faster. they help in countless ways and we wouldnt be where we are 2day with out them.

5:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really like the idea of inexpensive computers. 100 laptops certainly ain't bad. I don;t just mean for kids in nations who have little money or in places where they could only dream of having computer technology at their fingertips, I mean it for me too. It would be nice to only spend $100 on a laptop. Sure you get less options for the money but if you really only need a computer for certain reasons, then it's like your robbing the industry. Hopefully it will be a great thing for everyone.

6:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think that creating these computers is very thoughtful. Everybody deserves a chance to know how to use a computer. Knowing how to use laptops is a neccessity in this day and age. This gives children who come from poorer background, the same opportunity as other kids.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is a great idea to give underprivileged kids computers. We often take for granted that we live in a society where EVERYONE has a computer or access to one. It is almost absolutely necessary to have computer skills in order to find a good job these days. Giving these kids this opportunity will hopefully help them to become successful people and break free of the poverty that they're used to.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since I can remember, I had used Internet Explorer, but when I came to ECU my roomate introduced me to Mozilla. I now prefer to use mozilla because of the tabs. The new Internet Explorer is improving with its new update, but it seems like its one step behind Mozilla. I will continue to use Mozilla, unless Internet Explorer makes more updates.

2:44 PM  

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